A bit about me

My photo
Karachi, Pakistan
Well, since this is an open blog, I can't really say much, but I will say this much: I am by far the nerdiest, most pathetic person I know. What I like and don't like make no difference to anything, except manga. I LOVE manga. A bit too much actually, it sorta sad just like me.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's been a while, eh? :)

Hello all, well there are only 5 ppl who could possibly be reaidng this but whatever, I just wanted to greet you :) I found a great little blog about Pakistan, I think its amazing! I wonder what I can do to help out? I feel kinda charity-ish and serious too, so yeah.... Anyways life's dull, all I do is eat, sleep and dance. The dancing is for my cousin's wedding, you seee in Pakistan or most desi countries its traditional to have a day where all of your family and friends meet up and just celebrate your new found couple-dome, you dance and sing and have a blast!!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

why did i start this again??

OK I dont even know why I am doing this ... *turns away from screen and frowns* 

I think its stupid and boring and .... umm ... *looks at screen with curious expression*  ... remotely interesting ... ??


The basics

Age you wish you were: 12 'cause it was when I was in CN

Birthday: July the 21st 

Hair color: Black

Eye color:  my mom says they're Hazel, so yeah ...

Height? I am REALLY REALLY short: only 158cm :( (and I am fat too.) 

Any nicknames? Shani, Ezy, Mirror, Shnazzy (EXCUSE ME! What does that even mean!?!?!), Wimp, Nerd, Dork, Shanghai (coz it rhymes with my name and I lived there for BARELY 2yrs)

Are you a chick or a duck? (O_o)"     .. .. .. .. .. .. ..  wtf??

Chips or candy? Chips.

Friends or bf/gf - Friends (always)

Twix or Snickers? hmmm ... as long as it chocolate I really don't care .. 

Water or Milk? Both 

Apples or oranges? Apples with Orange Juice!!!!! Or Oranges with Apple juice!!! (lolz)

Carrots or corn? Don't care. 

Fruit or vegetable? Both

Cats or dogs? Both 

Kerry or Bush? eww .. both sucked. I choose Al Gore!!!

Cute or pretty- I didn’t know there was a difference ...

Handsome or hot- there is NO difference ... is there???

playing or watching sports? Playing probably, but if I hate it then watching would suck too. :P

big city or small town? Big cities, I love how they flow, its incredible to witness. But small towns are homey and nice too. Did I ever tell u I suck at making decisions?

Rock or rap? I like them, BUT U COMPLETELY FORGOT ALL THE GOOD STUFF: Alternative, Classical, New Age Instrumental etc.

Cell phone or home line? Home line. But I like to text on my phone. A LOT

Yahoo or AIM? Neither. I use fb chat or skype.

Taking pictures or having yours taken? Taking Pictures, there's so much more to see and beautiful moments to capture :)

reading or writing? Reading, especially Michy's & the gangs' stories. James' is actually cool, though I am not included!!! ;)

Suspense or romance? can I say horror instead. OR HARRY POTTER FILMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is your favorite....

Song? I have a lot of top favorite songs. Like in the thousands. 

Book? Harry Potter (did u have to even ask??), anything by Paulo Coelho, Kite Runner, 1000 Splendid Suns, manga (lots and lots and lots of manga), and tons more.

Movie? umm... errrr........ Oh, the Omen Series rocked my socks!!! (I was scared silly!!!), Comedy ... yeah thats about it. 

Band? Coldplay. I ove others too, but they are MY FAVORITE EVER!!!

Singer? Lots and Lots.

Actor? I don't know.

Actress? Still don't know.

Sport? Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey, Badminton, Swimming, Hiking (if it counts), Cross Countries, Track, Shot put, and more.

Game? Make believe, and the games I played as a kid.

Food? Japanese, Kashmiri (anyone reading that is just like: wtf is she talking about????), French, Italian. Yeah just food, any and almost all food!

Drink? Water, lots and lots and lots of juice, Green Tea, Hot Cocoa, and lots more. Just about all NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS. 

Website? justdubs.net, fmylife.com, hotmail.com, onemanga.com, yeah there are a lot of them that I am too lazy to write. :)

Subject in school? Oh I am just one of those freaks that actually like school in general. So I can’t really decide.



The scariest thing that has ever happened to you: easy: airplane incident.

You best friend: i dont really have one.

How you look: ugly as shit.

Your favorite scent: Trees and densely forrested areas have a perfect smell. Or wood or dirt. Or Flowers.

Your best memory: being happy.

Your perfect guy: ......

Your crush: Don’t have 1

The best time of your life: Living abroad in China, best year and a half of my life. Even freaking out for the French Speaking Exam! 



The future

Do you plan on graduating high school? Yes. Of Course, my family would slaughter me if I didn’t!

Going to college? Yes. Same answer as above.

What college?  Brown, NYU, aometihng abroad so I can soul-search a little bit.

Do you want to get married? We will see.

Have kids? That depends.

How many? Like I said, it depends,

What will their names be?  What I feel when I am with them. Like Emaan fro someone sweet, Lirah for someone bold. Etc.

Where do you want to live? I would love going back to Shanghai. Maybe even NYC or DC, somewhere with accidents for a surgeon to get a good living.

Dream job? Realistically – Surgeon. In my head – medical ninja from Naruto!!!! :P

Dream car? I'd much rather walk, I dont want to kill my plant, thanks.

Where will you get married, if you will? No idea.

Honeymoon? Idont even know where I am getting married how in F***’S name would I know that?!?!?!


Best friend...

Craziest – Weeby (always, she is too insane to be beaten)

Loudest -  Alina. Damn that girl can kill ur ears if u don’t listen to her. That’s why she is a Prefect.

Oldest -  Aidah.

Youngest -  Don’t remember. Oh right, Fatima.

Known Longest –  no one.

blondest – Emma!!!

smartest – Michy. Without a doubt (even in a different country!!)

dumbest – me. I am an IDIOT!!

most dramatic –  Weeby and Mushy.

quietest -  Michy, or me (nowadays)

randomest – A competition between Kit Kat and Weebster. Who will win thi s epic battle??!! ( I feel like the announcer for DBZ fights!!!)

tallest - Annam

shortest -  Fatima.


Right now:

date: March 5th, 2009

location: my  study room, my house, DHA, Karachi, Pakistan, Asia, Earth, Solar System 1, Milky Way Galaxy, This side of the Universe, Universe. (Mkakes ya feel kinda tiny, doesnt it?)

what are you thinking:  About that question... lolz!!! :P

you are wishing:   To be back there with them.

avoiding anything? Yes, ever taking a quiz like this one EVER AGAIN!!! 

day of the week? Sunday 

playing? No, writing... OBVIOUSLY!!!

reading? The question.

being annoyed by? This quiz, no I am joking I hope I didnt hurt ur feelings quiz! Oh dont cry! Oh thats OK .... lots of ppl must LOVE u! Dont worry!                 :P


Ah finally, I have just lost 30mins of my life I will never get back. If only I could weight that fast. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

i am stuck ... what now?

Well hi all, I am writing to u all again so quickly cause I really have nothing else to do. I am sorta stuck in my study room. I didnt mean to do it really, I was bein chased around my house by my sister, H, so I ran into the study to hide and I locked the door. Then a few minutes later, I tried to unlock and since that did not work my sister H has no idea what to do and is freaking out. S is gone to a friend's place so she isn't much help there.

now it is unrefutable GOD HATES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


OK first, BA is being really mean not replying to a simgle email EVER!!! Honestly, you would think she was just ignoring me. Pesky ... Sorry I just say 'pesky, pickle, fudge and my personal favourite: Oh Doodle' a lot! I dont really like cursing the NORMAL way its just so BORING!! So I make up my own. I was going to use: Sheep, but out of respect for my long-gone, probably insane neice who is a sheep named Sheep, I dont use it anymore. 
Anyways wat I really wanted to say is how is everything with basically everyone reading this really. How is everytihng in CN?? Besides protests, rapes and bombs not much really happens around here ... 


Friday, December 5, 2008

Why did I start this again???

Sorry its taken so long, but I forgot why I started this blog in the first place. I still don't remember. But I do know my friends played a big part in it. *accusing eyes* 
Anyways I figured today I may as well start blogging. Now unlike all of the people I know on this thing. I will NOT be writing a random story bout a life I wish I had. Besides mine would probably revolve around ninjaz form Konoha village (Naruto). Me being a medical ninja like Sakura Haruno.  She is so cool. Can any one fan of Naruto please tell me so we can discuss how amazing and awful the characters are?? (=P) 

Picture of Haruno Sakura. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Hi all this is Mirror or at least it is to u, I am from Pakistan which u may have heard isnt the best place to be at the moment but hey, its not that bad. First I wanna say hello to all my frends on this god forsaken thing and say I miss you ppl a lot (that means Michy, Magpie, Caitlyn & Weebz)!!! Anyone who reads gets a basic look into my life and iof you dont like it get out /// =P